⚫wn apartment and leave Walter and George to lead their own lives?"
She waited a few moments before replying, "Sue, I can't leave Walter. We are too close, more than you think".
"Lydia, you can't be any more lese than George and I are". She twisted around and looked me right in the eye for full minute and then she said," Sue, I guess I have been fool- ing no one but myself. How long have you known my true iden- tity?"
"Oh, I've known about you far about three weeks, I guess. Does that make any differense? I am the same. you know".
"Well, I do not know how it will work out, but I am will- ing to give it a try, if you are".
The next day, I moved in with Walter/Lydia and we have lived together for the past Six years. One never knows how things will work out, does one?
Bad Judgement
An American was traveling by train in England. He looked all over for a seat and could find only one which was occupied by a dog sitting next to a sour looking woman. He spoke to the woman and asked if she would move her dog so he could sit down. She gave him a dirty look and said, "go away-leave me alone" So he walked the length of the train and back and found no seat except the one with the dog. Again he spoke to the woman. "Madam, he said, "I really must ask you to move your dog. I paid for a seat and this is the only one on the train.
Again she waved him away saying, " Don't disturb me!". In complete exasperation he reached over, opened the window, pick- ed up the dog, threw it out the window and sat down in the seat. An Englishman across the aisle put down his paper and spoke, "I say", he said, "are you an American"? "Why, yes I am," replied the American, "why"? "Well,replied the other, "you Amer- icans are a funny lot, you eat with your knife in the wrong hand, drive on the wrong side of the road, and you throw the wrong bitch out of the window."